What is SCBenchmarks?

We have been publishing benchmarks for commercial and retail sales in SuperCommunity banks for the past four years. The latest Volume has been posted on our website for ease of access by subscribers. Non-subscribers can download a sample report

In response to our subscribers' requests we have created a consistent measurement system for cross sell ratios for both commercial and retail customers. We have also included elements such as “sweet spot” customers, percent of single service households of total households, and other key indicators. Specific definitions have been provided to ensure that we all measure the data the same way, to enhance comparability.

Our next Volume [2009 Volume I] will utilize Q1 and Q2 data which needs to be e-mailed to Connie McDonnell at Connie@anatbird.com by August 1, 2009. The input forms may be obtained from Connie [just e-mail her]. If you have any questions, call Anat or contact Matt Volk at Matt@anatbird.com. The report will be posted on our website on or about September 1, 2009 and all subscribers will receive a Username, password and login procedure by mail. To subscribe to SCBenchmarks, you can apply on-line

The price for SCBenchmarks is $4,000 per year and you will be billed when the report is posted on the website, September 1, 2009. We are excited about the success of SCBenchmarks during its first years of publication since it has filled a void which our banks need for comparative data.

Thanks again for your support. We look forward to sharing with you this actionable, timely, accurate and affordable data that will help take your SuperCommunity banks beyond the success they have already reached.

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